Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool’s Prank Angers Dozens!

Palmdale, CA. - Earlier this morning, an announcement was posted on the Pro Wrestling Uprising website announcing the death of PWU Owner Jimmy Quinn. Our phone lines and emails were almost immediately swarmed by well-wishers, including fans, wrestlers and other promoters. For those that may not have noticed the date at the top of the post, it’s April 1st, April Fool’s Day.

We were going to keep up the prank until late this evening, but the actual confusion that has spread from this has legitimately hurt some feelings, so we are retracting the post effective immediately.

We at Pro Wrestling Uprising apologize for any hurt feelings or emotional trauma this may have caused. There are times when harmless fun crosses the line and is no longer harmless. This is one of those times. In the spirit of the day, as the prankee gets too upset, we must jump forth and shout “April Fool’s!”

Let’s put this all behind us, chalk it up to bad ideas and move forward. We hope you will still support us as we expand.

Thank You,
Pro Wrestling Uprising

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