Wednesday, July 1, 2009

PWU World Heavyweight Championship to be Unified!

Now that Pro Wrestling Uprising has officially closed its doors, there is only one item of business left. What will become of the PWU World Heavyweight Championship, held by "Cast Iron" Cothern since last December? The answer: It will be defended in a Unification Match with the IWL World Championship. Current IWL Champion Doom will face Cothern on July 19th at the AWS Arena in City of Industry to see which of them will become the first IWL Unified World Champion. The following comes from

Justice for BRAWL! 09'
Yes INSANE fans! Our next event is the 2nd annual Justice for BRAWL! event, which will
be headlined by "Cast Iron" Cothern vs. Doom to unify the PWU and IWL Heavyweight
championships. It seems like Mr. Jimmy Quinn is getting his way after all, and I am sure
Vic doesnt like it.
But nonetheless, the event will be taking place July 19, 2009 at the AWS Arena! Yes
thats right, the IWL returns to the AWS arena in City of Industry. More news on the show
coming soon so make sure to keep checking back here at IWLWRESTLING.COM to get
all your Justice for BRAWL! news and info.

IWL News and Tidbits with The Scoopster!
Greetings INSANE fans! The Scoopster is here to deliver...what else? THE SCOOP!

-If you've been wondering why there hasn't been too many updates in the last month, you
are not alone. The Scoopster had a chance to speak to Vic to ask him what the deal was.
Vic replied "Well with everything going on in the last month or two, it really started to take
a toll. I needed to step back a bit and find my inner peace, and relax to regain..just a little
bit of my sanity!" But that doesn't he's been sitting on his ass doing nothing. Vic adds "I
had an un-welcome meeting with Jimmy Quinn recently which Scotty shot and should be
uploading soon, and DC recently came into my office to discuss the state of IWL. The
producers of I-TV recently informed me of a recently shot show too, so all these things
should be done and ready to be seen by the world soon. Even when I'm relaxing, work is
still going on! So screw all you assholes who call me a lazy s.o.b.!" Of course our
beloved owner calls our INSANE fans "s.o.b.s" with nothing but love in his heart!

-Amos Da Strangla recently quit the IWL after knocking out Vic in an undisclosed
location, which can be seen on YouTube. Amos, who had been with the IWL since 2003,
felt Vic has been behind some of the recent attacks from Justin Ryke. He also felt that Vic
knew about the formation of the "5th Ryke" before they even formed. Not feeling
comfortable working in a company where he can't even trust his own boss, Amos quit.
Now, he and Vic haven't talked since the incident and I've had a hard time getting a hold
of Amos. Vic refuses to comment on the situation, only saying "Everyone saw the video,
everyone saw what he did. There you go!" Will Amos Da Strangla ever return to the IWL?
Or is he officially done with the company? I'm sure something will develop from this story
in the weeks to come.

-KC "Arc Angel" Jones may be flying high again soon in the IWL! His injuries are healing
up nicely and he looks like his return may be sooner than later. Of course, a certain man
named Chris Evans could care less, as he showed everyone at Sicko Sircus. At the
show, KC came out to address the crowd about his injury when Chris Evans entered the
ring to taunt the injured IWL star. He called KC a joke, and referred to himself as the best
wrestler IWL has to offer. It doesn't help that Evans was recently told by an NWA
representative that "he is 'NWA' now!" which just added to the cockiness that Evans
posseses. I'm sure once KC's injuries heal up, he will want to get his hands on Evans
for disrespecting him the way he did, and show Evans that he is not a joke, but the
"SoCal Special Attraction."

-Justin Ryke was suspended recently from knocking out our boss as well, which could
also be seen on YouTube. His partner, Nameless, was not too pleased with the
suspension and protested Sicko Sircus as a result, which explains his absence from the
show. Nameless refused to give a comment to this reporter. Whats going to happen now
that BOTH of our IWL Tag Team Champions are away from the IWL? I'm sure some
news will develop soon.

-Speaking of Ryke, I'm sure he is sitting home feeling proud that one of his boys from the
5th Ryke is now number 1 contender to the IWL Championship. Another person who
must be happy? Jimmy Quinn, because now Vic cannot back out of the upcoming title
unification match between IWL Champion Doom, and PWU Champion "Cast Iron"
Cothern. Now with Quinn, and Ryke, and the rest of the 5th Ryke, in a position of power
once again, what will become of the IWL ?

-An interview with Malachi Jackson can be found in the official IWL Street Team site at! Make sure you check out the interview along with the rest
of the Street Team website. You can create a profile, upload pictures, videos, read
interviews, and get all the latest IWL news! Plus, you could chat with fellow IWL or SoCal
indy fans. Check it out, create a profile, and go INSANE!

-Finally, make sure you follow our Twitter Page. Sometimes news appears on it even
before it appears on this website! So become an INSANE TWIT and...shake them
TWITTIES our way...yep, our boss made me say that. Here is the link

Scoopster, OUT!

Next show is July 19th, 2009!
At the AWS Arena!
19650 E. San Jose Ave.
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
Admission only $5!
Start time is 5:00pm!